Plans for New Primary Care Centre in Royston
Twenty-five years ago the "New Model of Care" for the NHS unveiled a three-point plan:
Twenty-five years ago the "New Model of Care" for the NHS unveiled a three-point plan:
Hertfordshire County Council is encouraging drivers to think about the benefits of sharing their journeys to work as part of last week's National Liftshare initiative (7 - 11 October).
Following pressure from local Liberal Democrats, local MP Stephen McPartland and concerned clinicians, the privately run Surgicentre, which provided planned surgery (like knee and hip replacements) and ophthalmology to local NHS patients, is now to be run by the E&N Herts NHS Trust.
Road repairs are to take place on several stretches of the A4251 and the A4125 between 16 September 2013 and 16 March 2014. These will require road closures and waiting restrictions when the signs are in place.
The UK Government is notorious in taking reasonable EU directives and adapting them for application here in ways that are over-complex and far too strict. This behaviour undermines the credibility and acceptability of important regulations, most famously Health and Safety measures. It's great fun to blame "Brussels" of course - and insurance salesmen have a field day selling more and more imaginative policies - but it can mean workplace safety is not taken seriously and contributes to the UK's poor level of labour productivity.
A major new policy was announced at the Autumn LibDem Conference in Glasgow last month.