Greener, Cheaper, Better - Energy Efficiency Fund to Help NHS Save £ Millions
As part of a drive to cut costs and save energy, the Coalition Government has established a multi-million pound fund to be shared across nearly 70 NHS hospitals.
As part of a drive to cut costs and save energy, the Coalition Government has established a multi-million pound fund to be shared across nearly 70 NHS hospitals.
Almost half a million UK rooftops are now fitted with solar panels. Cummulatively generating 1.72 gigawatts of energy.
As part of the Coalition Government's infrastructure investment programme £4.3 billion is being spent on Britain's roads.
Looking through an old newspaper I found an amazing story about Starbucks and their secretive company structures. On 4 December 2012 the Guardian reported that had paid out on £8.6 million in UK tax on thirteen years of sales, totalling £3,100 million - that's just 0.3%
Liberal Democrats have long supported the "Twenty's Plenty"campaign for reduced speed limits near schools and in appropriate residential areas. Now the County are consulting on introducing these safety measures.
Police reform is working and crime is falling thanks to Liberal Democrats in Government, Crime Prevention Minister Norman Baker announced.