Tring Safety Measures and Parking Restrictions - At Last Some are on Their Way!
Hertfordshire County Council has at last given formal notice that a number of road safety schemes which involve parking restrictions are finally to be implemented.
Hertfordshire County Council has at last given formal notice that a number of road safety schemes which involve parking restrictions are finally to be implemented.
Liberal Democrats both at Hertfordshire County Council and elsewhere are horrified at massive cuts aimed at struggling families and children from deprived backgrounds. They clearly see this as an abandonment of the science and philosophy which underpins Early Years Development and the principles of Early Intervention. The objectives are not only to improve the lives and well-being of children and to help families in difficulties to overcome their problems has been forgotten. They also include the reduction in future social problems by helping children from troubled background enter adulthood with less damage and fewer social, behavioural and cognitive disabilities. Liberal Democrat Councillor Nick Hollinghurst is particularly concerned about a cut to Homestart's contracts of £390 million a year from 2016. Nick said, "Home Start has an extensive team of well-trained, experienced and dedicated volunteers who deliver specialised and sensitive support to families in difficulties. Their expertise is internationall
Elections for Abbotts Langley Parish Council were due to take place across the parish on May 7th, the same day as the General Election.
Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) has successfully prosecuted 2 more cases of unlawful disposal of waste (tipping/ dumping) in the district. They were fined £3,753 and £797 - we hope these fines will deter other offenders and help protect our environment. …………………………………………………………. A recent report drew attention to the 700 species of wild flowers that grow on our roadside verges, and that 10% are at risk of extinction because the verges are cut too early in the season. This is also not helpful for the bee population.. The Highways Authority feels it must do this early cutting to protect sight lines Are we all content with this or should we try to identify areas where mowing could be deferred until later in the season? If you have views do let TRDC know, please. ………………………………………………………………….. TRDC Planning Committee refused to give retrospective permission for very large, very bright blue panels on the rear fire escape stairs and access walkway on the back of Greville House, Chorleywood Cl
Liberal Democrat members of Hertfordshire County Council Children's Services Cabinet Panel yesterday were appalled to receive additional papers at short notice announcing the withdrawal of the annual £391,000 grant to the 9 HomeStart operations which cover the county. HomeStart's role will now be added to the increasingly complex range of tasks to be handled by the 91 Children's Centres.