Liberal Democrat Tring Town Councillors Nick Hollinghurst and Roxanne Ransley proposed the following motion which instructs the Clerk to ask for the local Neighbourhood Policing Team to provide better road safety action in Tring.
DB Schenker Rail UK ran its first train into Barrington Quarry in Cambridgeshire on behalf of building materials supplier, CEMEX UK, on Thursday 9th July, 2015.
You may have seen some Legal Notices about land and paths and "lawful pastimes" and so on, which also displayed a large map. Sorry the quality of the reproduction of the map is so poor - but please don't worry.
Liberal Democrat HQ has provided the following briefing on yesterday's budget. It was a complex set of proposals, some of which will be welcome and familiar to members of the Liberal Democrats and the Labour Party.
Wildlife safari (Bug Hunt) in the Aquadrome on 25th July 10am-12. interesting and fun. To book ring 776611 or for more information 07824 335519 ……………………………………………… We have had reports of squirrels chewing their way into food pods. This has ranged from chewing at the lid link to tearing open the side of the pod. Has anyone had this experience ? ……………………………………………….. The latest results of the Hertfordshire Omnibus Survey are now available. It reports the views of residents about TRDC, the services it provides and their own neighbourhoods. We are very pleased that residents continue to be satisfied with the way TRDC runs things - satisfaction level 78%, up from 73%. Sport & Leisure continue to attract high levels - 90%, up 2%. Parks & Opens Spaces got 93% satisfaction. In spite of changes in the system Refuse Collection was 82% and Recycling 85%. 45% of residents say they prefer the new wheeled bin for dry recycling and are recycling more. 83% believe that TRDC residents get on well toget