The fallout of Lord Sewel's resignation from the House of Lords, has sparked calls for a shake-up of the second chamber.
Paris has recently had two periods in August with exceptional temperatures. August 1998 and 2003. In the summer, Paris is usually a little bit warmer than London but in those year Parisians got more than they bargained for with temperatures over 40 deg centigrade. That was bad enough, but the combination of the heat and the strong sunlight produzed high levels of ozone which reacted with gases from motor vehicle exhausts to produce an acrid and irritating atmoshere.
Wednesday 5th to Sunday 9th The 66th Pendley Shakespeare Festival:"Twelfth Night" Evening performances Wednesday to Saturday at 8pm. Matinee performance on Sunday at 3pm. Grounds open for picnics 2hrs before the scheduled start of each show. For more information, ticket prices, and special offers, visit www.pendleyshakespearefestival.co.uk or telephone 01442 820060 (from 6 July)
Wednesday 5th to Sunday 9th The 66th Pendley Shakespeare Festival:"Twelfth Night" Evening performances Wednesday to Saturday at 8pm. Matinee performance on Sunday at 3pm. Grounds open for picnics 2hrs before the scheduled start of each show. For more information, ticket prices, and special offers, visit www.pendleyshakespearefestival.co.uk or telephone 01442 820060 (from 6 July)
Wednesday 5th to Sunday 9th The 66th Pendley Shakespeare Festival:"Twelfth Night" Evening performances Wednesday to Saturday at 8pm. Matinee performance on Sunday at 3pm. Grounds open for picnics 2hrs before the scheduled start of each show. For more information, ticket prices, and special offers, visit www.pendleyshakespearefestival.co.uk or telephone 01442 820060 (from 6 July)