Nick's Brexit Deal
Politically and personally I believe the Brexit Project has been a complete failure and we now need a People's Vote to decide between May's Deal and Remaining.
Politically and personally I believe the Brexit Project has been a complete failure and we now need a People's Vote to decide between May's Deal and Remaining.
With everything that's going on at the moment - the Three Rivers Rural County Council By Election, Brexits, marches and regular campaigning, the Tring, Berkhamsted & Northchurch Branch Liberal Democrats decided to hold their AGM relatively early this year.
It has in truth been a dreadful year in the garden, both for vegetables and flowers.
Dacorum Borough Council is installing recycling facilities to flats that had previously had none at all, after Lib Dem Councillors repeatedly raised the issue of recycling in the Borough.
Construction work began on the confusingly named "Luton DART" this May. "DART" stands for Direct Air-Rail Transit but also refers to the Dublin Area Rapid Transit rail route from Bray to Malahide and Howth through Dublin - a line that is well familiar to Luton's 20,000 Irish residents (over 6% of the population).
September's Liberal Democrat conference in Brighton was a great success.