Herts County Council are giving notice of three stretches of Road Works that could be potentially quite disruptive.
In a first class example of local initiative and community action, plus numerous residents investing in shares, the Wigginton Village Shop was successfully launched the week before last.
"The privatised electricity supply industry has been a rip-off from the word go!" claims Hertfordshire County Councillor for Tring & the Villages, Nick Hollinghurst "and Ofgem, the complacent so-called regulator is complicit in all this."
At Full Council 28th November, Dacorum Borough Council unanimously backed an amended LibDem Motion and agreed a significant proposal to combat the effects of climate change. This Motion referenced the recent IPCC report urging action on climate change and required that the new local plan currently under consideration should have within it environmental protection and sustainability considerations.
This is so disappointing.