Herts County Council Highways Update on the COVID 19 Impact from Cllr Stephen Giles-Medhurst.
I am grateful for the following bulletin from my colleague, County Councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, Leader of the Lib Dem group on Herts County Council. HCC Highways are continuing to monitor and adapt to the current situation and are keeping the highway safe and operational while working to government safe working guidelines, including those relating to construction works. This essential work enables emergency services to get around the county, food to be delivered and key and essential workers to get to their places of work. A number of their staff have suffered abuse from the public in recent days so please be as supportive of them as possible. If you have any issues over any works or want more information about this posting, please email on sgm@cix.co.uk or on nickholl1945@btinternet.com CATEGORY 1 REPAIRS (Pot holes, trip hazards, street lighting outages etc.) HCC Highways will try to work to normal intervention levels and repair timeframes during this period. However, given the impacts of covi