Exam Results - need advice?
Whether your A-Level or GCSE results are better or worse than you expected, it's not too late to rethink your plans
Whether your A-Level or GCSE results are better or worse than you expected, it's not too late to rethink your plans
The Coalition Government brought in some well needed reforms to the delivery of public health programmes and the provision of public health services. Public Health is now the responsibility of the principal local authorities, like Hertfordshire County Council. Money was taken from the NHS budget and given to these local authorities to finance their activities.
The Coalition Government brought in some well needed reforms to the delivery of public health programmes and the provision of public health services. Public Health is now the responsibility of the principal local authorities, like Hertfordshire County Council. Money was taken from the NHS budget and given to these local authorities to finance their activities.
Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) has successfully prosecuted another fly tipping case which involved an illegal deposit of building rubble, domestic waste and garden waste dumped in a garage court. The offender was identified and contacted, he cleared the waste at his own expense, pleaded guilty and was fined £1597 - fine and costs. ……………………………………………………………….. The work to repair and restore the Ebury Way Bridge has been completed and it has been re-opened again to the public. It is worth having a walk along to see it.
After much deliberation and research Lib Dem Councillor, Nick Hollinghurst, has decided to get an electric car. For the very first time, however, he has decided to lease rather than purchase outright - since the technology is changing all the time.
Last week Tring Liberal Democrats held a Thank You Party to show their appreciation to all those people who helped in different ways during the recent election campaign and on Election Day itself.