News from Rickmansworth Liberal Democrats - Three Rivers, a Lib Dem Run Council
Recent works have taken place at the Withey Beds - our local nature reserve. The work has been done by the Environment Agency and Watford Piscators and is designed to restore existing features and create new ones. The natural flow of the rivers has been protected and shallow areas provided for spawning. There is a fry nursery, flood refuge area and a nursery area for juvenile amphibians and invertebrates. The shallow margins ensure the water warms up quickly, providing conditions for fish to survive and grow. The final phase will include 2 new interpretation boards and a pasture pump so grazing cattle can draw water from the river when they need a drink. The annual guided tour is on Sunday 15th May, meet at the Batchworth Lock Centre at 2.00pm. Find out more at ……………………………………………………… Welly Walk at the Aquadrome on 12th April, 10.00am -12.00pm .meet by the Café and explore and see birds, mini beasts and early flowering plants with the Park Ranger. …………………………………………