In the Nick of time - the Grid Fairy got 4 critical grids cleared before the rain fell in earnest!
Dacorum Borough Council does a really poor job in Tring of sweeping up soil, grit and litter from the gutters. These should be kept clean, clear and free-running, but because of neglect litter, grit and mud get washed along to cover over the grids at the top of the gulleys. This causes flooding, which is particularly bad at the top of Akeman Street by the Museum. It can spread right across the road and once or twice the run-off down Akeman Street even got as far as flooding the cellar of a house. Fortunately the Grid Fairy was out and about the other evening and got the two critical grids by the Museum uncovered just before the next downpour. The pictures show the result of this timely work - the Grid Fairy can't be actually seen 'cos it's invisible. But it was there, I assure you! Other critical spots cleared were in Bottom House Lane, Crawleys Hill and Hamberlins Lane.