Unexpected Tory Resignation Cuases Two By-Elections in Hemel Hempstead
The unexpected resignation of a Conservative councillor who was a member of both Dacorum Borough and Hertfordshire County Councils has caused two by-elections.
The unexpected resignation of a Conservative councillor who was a member of both Dacorum Borough and Hertfordshire County Councils has caused two by-elections.
Cllr Nick Hollinghurst, who is one of the representatives on Dunsley Ward on Tring Town Council has been elected as Town Mayor for the year 2012/13.
Despite a Liberal Democrat challenge the Conservatives voted as a block to brush aside reasoned argument from Cllrs Nick Hollinghurst (DBC) and Garrick Stevens (Berkhamsted Town Council). The concerns and protests of residents and business were also disregarded. Just as in the case of the Moor End Road Bus Lane we were treated to the spectacle of Conservative councillors insisting they know best and everyone else is wrong. It was a foolish and expensive strategy in Moor End - will it be similarly disasterous in Berkhamsted?
There are three things that clearly show the Liberal Democrat influence on the Queens Speech:
Plans for the long-awaited Hemel Hempstead Local General Hospital appear to be moving forward. It appears that papers to be presented to the West Herts Hospital NHS Trust Board refer to plans either to refurbish or rebuild the hospital facilities at the Hillfield Road site in Hemel Hempstead. According to a report in the Hemel Hempstead Gazette the papers refer to "achieving a deliverable outcome within the next two to three years."
And that means South West Hertfordshire geographically, not just within the constituency.
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