Coalition Government Help for Regional Businesses
Help where it's needed to encourage new jobs
Help where it's needed to encourage new jobs
Dr Christopher Townsend is the Liberal Democrat Candidate to be Hertfordshire's first Police and Crime Commissioner. Learn more about Christopher and his Progmamme of Action by visiting his website www.christophertownsend.org
With all the ticket money in, a mystery donor contributing the cost of the fish and chips and the brewery covering its own costs for the evening, the event made £800 towards Iain Rennie Grove House Hospices.
" Our country's relentless focus on punishment for punishment's sake, rather than as a tool for crime reduction and rehabilitation, has consigned thousands of individuals to a hopeless life with no way out. A staggering 90% of those sentenced in England and Wales in 2011 had committed a previous offence.
The first Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) election will take place on Thursday 15 November 2012. The result of the election will be declared on Friday 16 November 2012. The candidate elected will take responsibility for policing in Hertfordshire on 22 November 2012 and serve until May 2016.
Today, 20th October, 2012, the East of England Liberal Democratsheld a well-attended regional conference in the Cambridge Regional College at King Hedges Road, Cambridge.
A new charity single to support young carers
Pippa Heylings reports from the global climate summit in Baku
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.