Childcare - a Liberal Democrat Priority
Thanks to Liberal Democrats in Government, from last week, 130,000 two-year olds from the poorest homes will be eligible for 15 hours of free childcare a week with a nursery or childminder.
Thanks to Liberal Democrats in Government, from last week, 130,000 two-year olds from the poorest homes will be eligible for 15 hours of free childcare a week with a nursery or childminder.
Reproduced from Rail Technology Magazine of 6th September.
Liberal Democrats in Government have worked hard to ensure that from next April the personal tax allowance will have risen to £10,000. This will take over 2.7m low earners out of tax altogether, and deliver a tax cut worth £700 per year to 24m low and middle earners. We want to go further, and raise the tax allowance to the point which means that no one on minimum wage has to pay income tax at all.
The Lobbying Bill is about extending that transparency further to give people more confidence in the way third parties interact with the political system. So where third parties campaign in a way which supports a particular political party or its candidates they will be required to fully record and disclose their expenditure on those campaigns.
The New Barnfield Incinerator Inquiry, due to start on 10th September, has an evening 'community' session scheduled for Tuesday 22nd October.
There were a number of by-elections on Thursday. Congratulations to Stephen Knightley who won in Cornwall for the Lib Dems.
A new charity single to support young carers
Pippa Heylings reports from the global climate summit in Baku
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.