Don't Risk the Recovery
Only the Liberal Democrats can be trusted to continue the economic recovery, and continue it fairly.
Only the Liberal Democrats can be trusted to continue the economic recovery, and continue it fairly.
Dacorum Borough Council has agreed plans for a simpler new waste and recycling collection scheme from November this year. This will make it easier to recycle more at the kerbside and take the borough towards a recycling rate of 60%.
The Lib Dem plan for a £700 tax cut for 24 million people was on the front page of our Manifesto at the last election.
In the Secondary School Allocation reports released by HCC Admissions Team this week, over 630 children across the county failed to be offered a place in one of their preferred schools. The situation in South West Herts, covering Bushey, Three Rivers and Watford is particularly shocking with 222 children, or almost one child in every four, being placed in a school they did not want to attend. Through no fault of their own, these children will suffer the hardship of being separated from their school friends, and having to travel much further than they planned to a school that wasn't in their top 4 preferences Liberal Democrat Spokesperson Mark Watkin (Nascot Park) commented "We have been seeing the massive increase in demand for Primary School places over the last few years, and here is the start of the secondary bulge. The pressure for additional capacity in South West Herts is near breaking point. There are a lot of unhappy families who have received the worst possible news. The sooner additional capacity is
Hertfordshire County Lib Dems alternative budget supported the Council Tax Freeze but put forward extra money for Hertfordshire roads and a winter recovery programme - rejected by Herts Tories.
In 2012 the 'Inspiring Hertfordshire' campaign was launched to focus on and celebrate the expertise, achievements and outstanding contribution that businesses and individuals make.
A new charity single to support young carers
Pippa Heylings reports from the global climate summit in Baku
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.