Opportunity for Everyone - That's the Liberal Promise
Nick Clegg has set out his vision for a distinctly liberal future for the United Kingdom.
Nick Clegg has set out his vision for a distinctly liberal future for the United Kingdom.
The Queen's Speech represents the Liberal Democrats' approach to government, focusing on putting Britain securely on the road to economic recovery, doing so in a way that is fair to all.
Pub Landlords who are currently tied to large pub companies say they struggle to make a decent living. More than half say they earn less than the minimum wage.
Liberal Democrat Minister for Women and Equalities, Jenny Willott is urging new mothers to focus on the joys of parenthood, not losing weight.
New homes will save householders more than £200 a year in fuel bills and cut carbon emissions to zero as part of world beating standards to be introduced from 2016.
Employers who do not pay their workers the National Minimum Wage will face penalties of up to £20,000 per employee, the coalition is expected to announce this week in the Queen's Speech.
A new charity single to support young carers
Pippa Heylings reports from the global climate summit in Baku
What the Government is doing, and why we're opposing it.