Forget about those Downing Street Parties, Forget about Johnson - the Tories are quietly Removing our Freedoms
Forget about those Parties, forget about Johnson - the Tories are removing our Freedoms one by one. It's the Tories we need to get rid of, not just the current Prime Minister. Three years ago I, and about a million other people, marched to Parliament Square campaigning for another Referendum on Brexit - now that the British people finally were realising what it was all about. At the critical moment we raised such a cheer that we were getting mobile calls to say that the MPs had heard us in the Chamber of the House of Commons. Sadly the Conservatives got enough Labour support to vote out our call for a second referendum (or "third", some say). However protest like that might be difficult or impossible in the future. The Conservatives have brought in an Elections Bill - which will make it more difficult to vote by requiring mandatory photo ID to be presented at the polling station - although I personally always have my bus pass to hand. They have brought in a Police, Crime, S