Lara Pringle's Northchurch Campaign off to a Good Start!
Lara Pringle lives in Northchurch and has done for over 15 years.
Lara Pringle lives in Northchurch and has done for over 15 years.
BY-ELECTION ROUND UP - 15th February was a busy night!
Lockfield, off New Road, Northchurch is being considered for development after 2031, though this could be earlier. At the moment it is railway land and provides access to the track from a public road. As such it is infrequently used and generates very little traffic.
Local Authority Trading Companies - or LATCos in the jargon - are not new. They are authorised under the 2003 Local Government Act.
New Leader, New Party, New Programme
Recently was announced that Mayor of London Sadiq Khan had refused an offer of £73 million of funding from the government to start the Metropolitan Line Extension rail project (MLX). But now the Liberal Democrat Mayor of Watford, Dorothy Thornhill, has weighed in, saying this will not be "the end of the line" for the scheme.