Economy Now Bigger Than Pre-crash Levels
Liberal Democrats have cleared up Labour's economic mess with GDP now above pre-crash levels, new figures show.
Liberal Democrats have cleared up Labour's economic mess with GDP now above pre-crash levels, new figures show.
In a letter to the Editor of the Berkhamsted Gazette Liberal Democrat Berkhamsted Town Councillor Garrick Stevens has outlined the plans that he and fellow Town Councillor Danny Bonnett have put forward to Berkhamsted Town Council.
The Liberal Democrats will ensure that benefit claimants in social housing will no longer be penalised if their landlord cannot provide accommodation suitable to their needs. In other words, the £14 reduction in housing benefit ("bedroom tax") for an unneeded room will not apply unless the landlord can offer reasonable accommodation and the tenant refuses the offer unreasonably.
Liberal Democrat Leader Nick Clegg has announced a £154 million investment in research projects to keep the UK as a world leader in aerospace innovation.
Ed Davey, Lib Dem Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change writes in LibDem Voice "I have published the Government's first ever Energy Investment Report.
Hertfordshire's ruling Conservatives have been accused of misleading residents over plans to reduce bus services in the evenings and at weekends.