Tories Accused of Misleading Residents As New Figures Show Over 800,000 Bus Journeys Could Be Cut!
Hertfordshire's ruling Conservatives have been accused of misleading residents over plans to reduce bus services in the evenings and at weekends.
Hertfordshire's ruling Conservatives have been accused of misleading residents over plans to reduce bus services in the evenings and at weekends.
New rules which would provide greater choice and more innovative pensions products, are expected to be announced this week.
Herts County Council is to review its highways faults inspection regime following pressure from the Liberal Democrat Group Leader and Deputy Leader. Lib Dem Group Leader, County Councillor (Watford: Central & Oxhey), Stephen Giles-Medhurst said "There are grave concerns regarding our Highways safety and the regime in place to ensure it. The findings in the case of Curtis v HCC, where Mr Curtis was seriously injured because the highways inspection regime failed to spot a serious pothole and fix it. This shows that the County's inspection regime is not fit for pressure and needs a review.
At Tuesday's meeting of Hertfordshire County Council the Liberal Democrats demanded an apology for the money wasted in the New Barnfield waste fiasco.
At Tuesday's meeting of Herts County Council, the Liberal Democrat group fought to save local bus services from swingeing cuts planned by local Conservative politicians.
Local Liberal Democrat councillors and activists are delighted by the local members' choice of Grace Weaver.