Energy Efficiency Measures Top 1 million
A million home improvements kept Britain's homes warmer for less this Christmas thanks to energy efficiency schemes introduced by Liberal Democrats in government.
A million home improvements kept Britain's homes warmer for less this Christmas thanks to energy efficiency schemes introduced by Liberal Democrats in government.
That irritating flood at the corner of Park Street and Hastoe Lane has now gone.
Below are Watford's Mayor, Dorothy Thornhill and DBC councillor Nick Hollinghurst at West Herts Lib Dems' recent AGM in Kings Langley. With the General Election and the Borough Council Elections both on May 7th, 2015, Liberal Democrats in both Watford and Dacorum are looking forward with high hopes.
Now that the irritating flood at the corner of Park Street and Hastoe Lane has gone - there's nothing to put you off using the Museum's new car park round the corner and a little way up Hastoe Lane.
That irritating flood caused by two blocked gullies at the corner of Park Street and Hastoe Lane has now gone! After years of complaining by residents, County Councillor Nick Hollinghurst gave matters a personal push and now the gullies have been cleared. Nick says, "As your local councillor I'm here to help. But I can't help until I'm told about the problem."
That irritating flood caused by two blocked gullies at the corner of Park Street and Hastoe Lane has now gone! After years of complaining by residents, County Councillor Nick Hollinghurst gave matters a personal push and now the gullies have been cleared. Nick says, "As your local councillor I'm here to help. But I can't help until I'm told about the problem."