IFS Report Confirms That The Richest Have Shouldered the Highest Share of the Burden
The IFS report released on Friday 23 January, confirms that the richest have shouldered the highest share of the burden as we move to repair the public finances.
The IFS report released on Friday 23 January, confirms that the richest have shouldered the highest share of the burden as we move to repair the public finances.
Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron writes in the Independent: "In 2003 Britain was led by the Labour Party with Conservative support into a war with Iraq which many people in our country believe was illegal.
Liberal Democrat MP Tim Farron writes in the Independent: "In 2003 Britain was led by the Labour Party with Conservative support into a war with Iraq which many people in our country believe was illegal.
Figures released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that the rate of employment is at a record high of 30.8m.
Figures released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that the rate of employment is at a record high of 30.8m.
The ITEM Club (the acronym derives from Independent Treasury Economic Model) is the only independent group using the Treasury's model of the UK economy. It is supported by untied sponsorship from EY - formerly known as Ernst & Young.