A Fair Start for Every Child
Liberal Democrats believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach their full potential, wherever they live and whatever their background.
Liberal Democrats believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach their full potential, wherever they live and whatever their background.
"Street light repairs across Hertfordshire are managed in a way that would make the Mad Hatter look organised. "
"Street light repairs across Hertfordshire are managed in a way that would make the Mad Hatter look organised. "
The Definitive Map Officer at Hertfordshire County Council's Rights of Way Service was able to tell me on Friday that a judgement in this long running dispute was handed down by the court on 10th February in favour of Hertfordshire County Council.
Hemel Hempstead Liberal Democrats have selected business consultant and human rights campaigner Rabi Martins to challenge Mike Penning in the forthcoming General Election.
I'm told volunteers from the Ringway workforce carried out some work under their Community Payback Scheme on Footpath 41 between Silk Mill Way and New Road in Tring.