Grove Road, Tring Car Accident - Dog Killed by Car.
There was sad news on Facebook this morning.
There was sad news on Facebook this morning.
By now, I think, most of us have got used to the idea that "global warming" doesn't necessarily mean "better weather for Brits" - and "Climate Change" is a better expression to use.
Now successful and well-established, Kiwi Chick markets homemade truffles (Classic, Fondent or Velvet), chocolate of all styles and flavours and that old favourite, the Chocolate Browny. And all of the highest quality!
Tring should slowly be getting a safer place as steps are taken to improve visibility round junctions - and there are quite a few of those onto Miswell Lane.
Not every council can achieve the high rate of recycling demonstrated by Liberal Democrat run Three Rivers District Council. With a rate of 62.4% this is the highest in Hertfordshire and the 4th highest in the country.
Following two consultations, as required by the regulations, decisions have been taken with a further three schemes.