Herts1125 Priority Vote and UK Youth Parliament Elections Now Open!
Voting started on Monday 25 January 2016 and will run until the end of the school day on Friday 12th February 2016.
Voting started on Monday 25 January 2016 and will run until the end of the school day on Friday 12th February 2016.
Chris White, standing as Liberal Democrat candidate for Hertfordshire Police Commissioner writes: "One of the world's leading policing units dedicated to supporting wildlife crime investigations is facing the axe." Liberal Democrat Environmental spokesperson Kate Parminter has called on ministers to step in and guarantee funding for the agency.
In case you haven't had a chance to view the latest Lib Dem Video, or perhaps want another viewing
A carer is someone who "provides unpaid care and support to another person who would not be able to manage without it".
Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Change Lynne Featherstone has tabled a fatal motion in the House of Lords against the Government cuts to Feed-in Tariffs. A Feed-in Tariff is a payment you can get if you generate your own electricity (eg with solar panels or a wind turbine) and you can also sell energy back to the grid.
Lib Dem Police and Crime Commissioner candidate Chris White has called for an end to 'years of complacency' following the election of a Conservative to be the first Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire in November 2012. Chris said: 'It is really disturbing to read the papers being presented to last week's meeting of the sadly toothless Hertfordshire Police and Crime Panel. 'Commissioner Lloyd acknowledges that crime is up with a 4.6% increase in anti-social behaviour, a 6.8% increase in burglary, a 21.1% increase in motor vehicle crimes, as well as a troubling 40% increase in crimes against the person. 'Even if some of this is due to better recording methods, it cannot justify the Commissioner Lloyd's pathetic attempt to court electoral favour by cutting council tax by a token 0.55%. 'Elsewhere in the Commissioner's budget, it is clear that Hertfordshire policing is being held together by sticking plaster - with a £4 million raid on reserves and £5 million reductions in front-line and back offi