We wish all our readers a good summer break. If you are caring for children do visit some of the splendid Three Rivers District Council (TRDC) play areas. Some have outdoor gym equipment for adults - give it a go if you haven't already done so .……………………………………………. Do you know Bishops Wood ? It is in the ownership and care of TRDC and has recently had time, effort and resources put into improvement work. Go along White Hill from Batchworth Heath, until just before the junction with Shrubbs Road , leading to Woodcock Hill. It is on the right hand side and well worth a visit. ………………………………………………... Maple Lodge Conservation Society has its annual Discovery Day on 14th August, 11.00am-4.00pm. The reserve is one of Rickmansworth's hidden secrets and is home to a rich variety of wildlife, waterfowl, woodland birds, bats and butterflies. There are 2 lakes and many hides to explore, some with wheel chair access. On the day there are guided tours, light refreshments and plants available. Entry and parking are free. Turn