The Leavers are Broken. Nobody is in a Position to Implement Brexit. Let's End this Madness and Make a Fresh Start
What a shambles! The quitters have quit. The splitters have split! The wreckers have resigned. Boris, Farage, IDS, Fox, Gove, Leadsom - resigned, withdrawn, unsupported. Not one of the Leavers has the wit or courage or competence even to carry out out Brexit - let alone lead tough negotiations with the EU or with the rest of the world. The Referendum was hardly decisive - 37% of the electorate should not be allowed to bring ruin on the whole country. 63% did not vote to Leave - either not voting at all or being part of the 16 million who actively voted to Remain. A 51.9% vote wouldn't even let you change the constitution of a golf club - let alone threaten a continent, divide the UK and betray the hopes and aspirations of our youth! Was it all a joke? A public schoolboy jape? An exercise in egotism? There is now nobody of any experience, standing or ability who can implement Brexit - or even wants to do it all. It is now clear that the Referendum does not command enough support to be a