Thames Water CEO resigns: time Ministers stepped in to overhaul this firm from top to bottom

Thames Water CEO resigns: we cannot let profit fo before environment any more
Responding to Thames Water CEO's resignation, Victoria Collins, Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Harpenden & Berkhamsted said:
“Thames Water has run from one scandal to another and is in a complete mess. They have pumped sewage in to our chalk streams and our local canals and let us and our natural landscapes down. Thames Water CEO has now jumped ship after appalling mismanagement. It is time Ministers stepped in to overhaul this firm from top to bottom. We cannot let profit go before environment any more.”
Liberal Democrat Environment spokesperson Tim Farron MP said:
"We must now see environmental experts on the board and the company take a completely new direction.
"The public has lost all faith in the country's largest water firm, which is polluting our rivers with foul sewage whilst paying out massive dividends and bonuses.
"The Government has serious questions to answer over how they have let the water industry reach this sorry point. A long list of Conservative Ministers have washed their hands of these polluting and profiteering firms. They are to blame for this mess."