Delivered, a safe crossing on Fishery Road

Four years of lobbying from Boxmoor's Lib Dem Councillors and residents has paid off, the long-awaited Fishery Road crossing has been completed.
Local councillors had to work with both Dacorum and Hertfordshire Councils to unlock funding held in various reserves such as the Community Infrastructure Levy funds and Locality Budget funds.
Cllr William Allen added “Finding the funding has taken time but without residents support and the support of our County Councillor, Adrian England, this would have not happened.”
Cllr Adrian England said “This was a real community effort and we are grateful for all of you who surveyed traffic and pedestrians, reported accidents, responded to consultations, campaigned and kept up the pressure. We wouldn't have got this over the line without you all.”
Feedback from residents is really positive including:
- residents of the side roads saying it is much easier to turn into Fishery Rd
- parents of small children delighted they can cross the road safely
- people saying it is easier to cross at the roundabout because of the humps
- elderly residents being able to cross the road to get to the shops, cafe or bus
- commuters able to cross more easily to get to the station and even
- dog walkers reporting that cars stop for them at the humps between the kissing gates!